Zend DB Query Dump

June 25th, 2013

If you ever need to see the SQL that Zend DB has created, so that you can run it manually or any other reason, here’s how to do it.

// Turn on the profiler

// Run your query
$db->update(‘someTable’, array(
‘thisField’ => 0.12551,
‘anotherField’ => ‘xxxxxxxxxxxx’
), ‘whatId = ‘ . $cdsDB->quote(‘james’));

// Output the last query
echo "\n" . $db->getProfiler()->getLastQueryProfile()->getQuery() . "\n";

// And the parameters for it

// Then turn the profiler off, unless you want to do more

And the output is

UPDATE `someTable` SET `thisField` = ?, `anotherField` = ? WHERE (whatId = 186459)
[1] => 0.12551
[2] => xxxxxxxxxxxx

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